Monday, September 6, 2010

So I guess I caved...

So I guess I caved on creating a blog!  After reading through Anne and Katie's I just couldn't help myself. Here is a recap on where I am and what I am doing...

             For the next four months I will be living in Copenhagen, Denmark and am studying child development.  So in addition to taking classes I will also be traveling to schools throughout Copenhagen and the rest of Denmark to see how the Danish school system differs from our own. In addition to a child development class, I am also taking a literature class about European fairy tales, criminal psychology, and danish (which is impossible!).  But that's super boring so let me get to the good stuff!
            Copenhagen is the CUTEST city I have ever been to in my entire life.  All the streets are so tiny and adorable and they are all made of cobblestone.  My apartment is on one of these adorable streets right above a tasty cafe, and across the street from a park with a bunch more tasty cafes.  The living situation I have is incredible, I was so so so so lucky.  I am living on the 3rd floor of the apartment in a room with my friend Jenny.  Next door, is my friend Jess living in a single. Then there are 8 other people who live here (2 more girls and 6 boys) and we share two bathrooms, a kitchen and a common room.  They are all so nice so it's been really fun so far.  The apartment is only a 3-5 minute walk away from all my classes, and more importantly, only about a 30 second walk away from the most delicious ice cream i've ever had.  Seriously, I have to run by it with my eyes closed because otherwise I would eat it every single day.  Our location is also really central in Cope, which is perfect because we are surrounded by amazing restaurants and all the good bars (sorry mom and dad :)).  The only problem with this is that Copenhagen is EXPENSIVE.  And I'm not talking like kind of a little bit expensive.  I'm talking like coffee-costs-$7-in-some-places-expensive.  Oh well!
         Two weekends ago I did some local exploring in Copenhagen.  I went to this place called "the Bar Harbor."  Here they have a  5 meter platform you can jump off of into the ocean.  Jess and I + a few new friends did this and it was really fun.  The only thing putting a damper on this was the water temp.  I don't know why this didn't occur to me earlier, but the seas surrounding Copenhagen are cold.  REALLY COLD.  But the jump was worth it!  At night I went out on the town to a DIS (my program) sponsored party at a bar/night club around the corner from my apartment, which was also really fun.  This past weekend I went to Malmo, Sweden with Jess and Jenny.  It was such an easy and beautiful trip!  All we did was hop on the train and travel 30 minutes over the ocean to Sweden.  Once there, we walked around a bit and landed in the most beautiful park I have ever seen.  It was filled with gardens, and canals and lakes and swans and ducks floating and little adorable Scandinavian children (think of blonde wispy hair on rosy cheeked kids!) running around and jumping in the water.  There was also a wedding going on which we watched for a good amount of time.  After wandering aimlessly around this beautiful park we walked the streets of Malmo, checked out the shops, and stopped for dinner.  For me, this was a wonderfully-delicious hawaiian pizza.  (Smac, this might have even rivaled the place near your lake house...)  After eating the plate-sized pizza to the last crumb, we packed up our belongings and went home.
         This week I will be going to western Denmark on what they call a "study tour."  So from Thursday through Saturday I will be visiting schools on the mainland of Denmark and doing some touristy activities there, so expect a post after I get back.
Much love,

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